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Stewardship Resources

We were created to take care of God’s creation

Our insights on Stewardship

We value excellence and integrity. Work hard and do your best. Using clear communication, letting your "yes be yes, and your no be no," will a culture of truth telling and transparency.

Excellence and integrity must be used in financial dealings personally and professionally. Money is a tool to further the gospel while maintaining human dignity for all those involved. We must be vision driven and not budget (or needs) driven. Living off of raised support is a calling which requires accountability and transparency with financial dealings.

Integrity is not just for ministry or financial situations, but also home life. If personal life and ministry life are in conflict, it is important to find out why. Patterns of unhealth will not stay isolated for long and will begin to bleed into every area of life.

Being a witness of Jesus requires us to live life in front of others and if there is pain or unhealth, inconsistency and a lack of integrity, it may give Jesus a bad name.

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