Take the Healthy Missions Assessment

Assembling resources for missionaries by missionaries

Healthy Missions serves Christian missionaries, cross-cultural workers and mission-driven organizations by uniting them with the tools necessary to spread the gospel and make a lasting impact.

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Fruitful missionaries make Healthy Missions

We exist to tackle the question, “What would it look like to do missions in a healthier way?” Burnout, doubt, insecurity, exhaustion and fear can affect us all in different seasons. Without the right tools in place, these can easily alter your capability to have impact.

It’s time to shift our mindsets away from just geography and orient ourselves toward Jesus. Our goal at Healthy Missions is to nurture health and growth within the missions community through practical resources. Our open-source library of articles, blogs, guides, and videos delivers topics from cultural adaptation and self-care to spiritual growth and program design.

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Start your journey here

Are you new to Healthy Missions? We’ve built our resource library around 12 core tenets that make diving into our content easy. By taking our Healthy Missions Tenets Quiz, you’ll uncover constructive insights about yourself and be given a list of missionary resources to get started.

Take the Healthy Missions Assessment

How we work


We research and compile Christ-centered content, giving structure to existing resources to share best fruitful practices in the missions world to better equip the global church.


We love to connect with friends, old and new, exploring how others glorify the Father through healthy missions. We seek to cultivate collaborative relationships where we can grow and learn together.


We empower individuals and teams through content, self-evaluation and collaboration. We strive to welcome and activate global servants who have a shared belief in our core tenets.


We create a space where you can go to wrestle with tough questions in the missions world. We provide the forum to say “I’m not doing well,” and offer not only encouragement but real-world solutions.

Why Healthy Missions?

We love because He loved us first

Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” But He also said to “count the cost.” Pursuing this incredible life does not come without its challenges and hardships. Our hope is to provide a safe space to unpack that cost. Healthy Missions isn’t here to offer quick fixes, but rather a place for learning, examining, wrestling, and community-building, all with the goal of glorifying God.

Join our community of missionaries to share your experiences, grow together, and learn from those who have gone before you.